Test Your Listening:
Real-World Business English Answerphone Messages...
Can you pass?
9 Sep 23
Key Points
As you may know, traditionally, our episodes cover a wide range of topics like negotiating, networking, and customer service. However, Episode 50 is designed to provide a comprehensive listening challenge across these subjects. It includes five answerphone messages, each from a different business context. The episode is crafted to test your understanding of idioms, phrasal verbs, and conditionals in Business English.
And that's not all. We've transformed the questions from the podcast into an interactive quiz that you can find right here on our website! So, after listening, you can immediately assess how well you understood each segment.
Why is Listening So Crucial in Business?
Listening is often the overlooked skill in language learning, yet it’s incredibly vital, especially in business. It's not just about understanding the words; it's about catching nuances, comprehending idiomatic expressions, and interpreting implicit meanings. Effective listening can help you:
Episode 50 of our Business English Podcast offers an excellent opportunity for professionals to fine-tune their listening skills in diverse business scenarios. So if you're keen on climbing up the corporate ladder and sealing those crucial deals, effective communication starts with effective listening. And what better way to improve than by challenging yourself?
Take the interactive quiz now and see how well you fare! And as always, if you find our content valuable, please consider sharing it with your network.
Happy listening and here's to another 50 episodes!
Why not take the quiz below to test your listening skills and see how much you learnt from the episode?
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